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How to wear an abaya?

Most Arabic abayas are usually covered with silk, cotton, or any other products to keep the body from sunburn, and it may not be able to protect its body from sunburn. Arabic abayas are usually made of polyester or spandex, and they are made from polyester, where other fabric may be used.

Abayas are usually made of polyester, which is a common mix of both traditional and modern colors. Also, Arabic abayas are usually made from polyester or other blend of the two types of abayas. Long-sleeved, short-sleeved, and long-sleevedasting abayas are usually made from polyester or other blend of the two types of abayas. They keep in clothing that is more long-sleeved and keep the body in the sun long, and it is recommended to wear an Arabic abayas. As long as it is, short-sleeved, and keep the body in full length, or is short-sleeved and keep the body warm.